The target of Minicraft+

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According to the last section of the last blog, I have mentioned that I will discuss what is our target later. I am going to discuss this topic now.[1] Firstly, Makkkkus said about that previously.[2]

Why do I need to talk about this topic? I have said it already[3], it is all about customization and our further development on Minicraft+. In the original styled gameplay of Minicraft (Alone), it is a kind of survival RPG. What about Minecraft? It is a survival sandbox game (with a little storyline). We could change or even not change the style, gameplay or story of the original Minicraft, like what they said.[4] It could be another game other than Minicraft but it is still based on Minicraft. (Unless we want it separated from Minicraft.) We would not want it happened. What would an RPG be like? A full storyline, quests, loots, fights, etc. These RPG elements would be needed to be existed if it is a full RPG. Sandbox, we might need more customization options provided to the players. Like what Minecraft does. Commands, standard dynamic attributes (we would need to support this), modules, textures, shadows (I might want a 2.5D style too..., like RimWorld. XD), etc. Makkkkus has been struggled about dynamic attribute support. I think it is a necessary to the customization as we would need to standardize and add more options to customization it. Why Makkkkus doesn't want a "dynamic" one? His opinion on this is "dynamic" attributes cannot be checked in compile time; I would think that it might not be a big problem for us. Command blocks? Debug stick? We might consider.

I really want to talk about the "big changes" to Minicraft+. Removing wooden tools is really a big change as it has been tied with original Minicraft and Minecraft gameplay style already. Why I don't want these be removed? I want it be kept; it is added by Markus Persson (Notch) originally into the two games. The "original elements/components" of the games. (Although it seems that the wooden tools are not going to be removed. :D [5]) They (the original elements from Minicraft) are most likely to be kept unless they are going to be changed captured from Minecraft. (This is only my personal opinion about Minicraft to Minecraft - Notch. Notch's spirit XD)

Many things have been mentioned previously already from the last post; you could refer the links from it. We are still moving forward to the future. I am still looking forward from Minicraft+, as a member of it.


This blog is based on the previously discussed topic. See the #develop Discord channel.


  1. ... it still depends on what our target is to. Being a RPG-like game? sandbox game? Fully customizable game? survival game? creative game? game with fully physics? game with fully fantasy? we could have multiple targets. - me
  2. What's the target game type of Minicraft+ planning to be? Like Minecraft (adventure, survival, creativity, sandbox, pixel, has some stories)? Like Minicraft Classic (adventure, survival, alone, simple, pixel, little RPG-like, has a storyline)? What does Minicraft+ most likely to be? - me; Massively multiplayer as an RPG. Sandbox is also included with this and I would also describe the goal as an evolutionary survival - Makkkkus
  3. their ideas on nearly fully customization are really good - me
  4. A big change was discussed: [1]
  5. As captured 2022/09/18 11:41 UTC time, 15 voted agreed and 26 voted disagreed.